The Office of Digital Services Georgia (DSGa) manages digital strategy for state agencies and elected officials to cultivate a mature digital presence and constituent-centric service delivery. The focus of DSGa expands GTA’s view of the technology landscape from larger systems to granular interactions. The state offers both through various delivery channels and consumer devices. Constituents access state digital properties through newer channels like voice assistants and chatbots that did not exist just two years ago. To be able to serve this need, DSGa enables an omni-channel approach keeping information and data consistent and centralized.

DSGa oversees a very robust web environment. In 2020, the DSGa team completed the development of the GovHub Digital Content Management System. The platform supports 86 state websites. Some of the stats for the GovHub are very impressive. Last year, the platform had 323 million page views from 52 million users. 151 million sessions occurred as a result. The most visited website was GeorgiaGov. It had 16 million pageviews from 7.5 million users. 9.7 million sessions occurred from that traffic.

DSGa launched the Georgia Analytics Program (GAP) for state agencies. The program provides transparency on how people interact with government sites and applications. When the usability, accessibility, and overall performance can be quantified and measured, we can take meaningful steps to improve the digital experience for citizens. We launched the Analytics Dashboard in 2021 with agencies participating to a total of 84 sites and applications. Seventy of the websites have improved or maintained their score to meet the state benchmark score. The GAP dashboard is available on the Analytics website. DSGa continued to mature and grow its training and educational offerings in 2021 with the launch of a learning management system (LMS), as well as continuing to offer live training webinars. DSGa provides training and educational instruction to agency site editors. DSGa trainers conducted 22 webinars and developed 20 modules of content in the LMS. The training helps agency editors to better navigate the GovHub content management system affiliated digital tools. DSGa also educates agencies through blogs and has published 35 blog posts this year on a wide range of topics including content strategy, accessibility, and the importance of customer feedback.

GOVTalks is an annual conference that DSGa hosts for state agencies in Georgia. In 2021, the focus was on digitally maturing the state’s sites and the actionable steps agencies may take to improve the experience for Georgians. DSGa held the conference virtually in April 2021 with attendees from 43 agencies.

DSGa has kicked off the Digital Center of Excellence, a statewide effort to bring agency participation to promote adoption of best practices across the state’s digital landscape. This community of public and private sector professionals will share knowledge and experiences as well as contribute to the state’s Digital Standards and Guidelines. The current participation of members comes from state agencies, content strategy firms, public health agencies, and universities.