IT Strategic Plan 2025

The Georgia Enterprise IT Strategic Plan 2025 is intended to assist Georgia government leaders in making informed technology decisions for their agencies. It establishes IT focus areas and goals and sets the technology direction for the state's IT enterprise.

This doesn't replace agency strategic or technology plans, rather it informs agencies in making technology decisions and investments that align with Georgia enterprise technology efforts. This document is meant to be used by all state agencies, regardless of their mission or complexity.

GTA follows Governor Kemp's strategic plan to help guide Georgia's technology investments to serve state priorities securely and efficiently. In addition, the Georgia General Assembly provided for GTA to publish the Georgia Enterprise IT Strategic Plan to guide state agencies in selecting technology to support their operations, OCGA § 50-25-4.13. To ensure agency involvement in the plan's development, GTA established the IT strategy cycle. The cycle includes environmental scanning, active planning, agency review, and review by industry experts. All Georgia agencies are invited to provide input at one or more stages in the IT strategy cycle.


Looking ahead is always difficult, and it's made more so because technology is a rapidly changing environment. In developing Georgia's view of the future, GTA has positioned technology to be scalable and adaptable to sustain the state's daily business operations and support Governor Kemp's strategic plan and priorities. To ensure the attainment of the state's strategic vision, GTA is committed to continue work in close collaboration with technology leaders in Georgia state agencies, other states, and the private sector. The challenges in Georgia align with challenges in other states, and GTA will continue to work with partners in Georgia and across the nation to address current long-term concerns:

  • Ensuring cybersecurity for Georgia's agencies, citizens, and businesses.
  • Managing a growing pool of data to support state decision makers.
  • Taking advantage of proven technologies to improve interactions between government agencies and constituents.
  • Evolving a portfolio of shared technology services to ensure agency access to the best services at competitive prices.
  • Partnering with the private sector to bring the latest innovation technologies to bear on the state's business problems.

While the Enterprise IT Strategic Plan 2025 sets the direction, it's up to agency CIOs and other technology leaders to steer the course as Georgia moves forward. The plan is a roadmap for the near term and compass for the more distant planning horizon.