Georgia Annual State IT Report FY 2024

Letter from the state CIO

Shawnzia Thomas headshot
Shawnzia Thomas, State CIO and GTA Executive Director

AI will test us before it rewards us.

Just how much and in how many ways will AI change our world? Are we in state government ready? Can we harness artificial intelligence to best serve Georgians today and into tomorrow? These are questions that can't be ignored in the current technology environment. It's daunting. Integrating AI into how we serve constituents will test our capabilities. It'll be disruptive, in IT shops and across entire public-sector operations. But if we meet the challenge, Georgia can reshape the landscape in the most positive ways.

In 2024 the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) put on an event pivotal to laying needed foundations. Our second annual Emerging Technology Summit focused on widely agreed prerequisites for effective AI implementations. Critical considerations such as security, data management, ethical guidelines and AI literacy for our workforce. Attended by business and IT leaders from agencies across Georgia government, the summit illustrated a shared commitment to making Georgia’s AI usage innovative, responsible, and secure.

Now, one event clearly doesn’t accomplish the task. However, it’s a key step toward informing a statewide approach, agreeing on ethical guidelines, and cultivating exchange among agency decision-makers. Coupled with other aspects of GTA’s AI Program, it readies us for the challenge and the opportunity ahead.

The state of Georgia has reason to be confident we can make the most of AI. We’ve built an impressive track record. This year, our state earned another "A" grade (the highest possible) in the Digital States Survey conducted by the Center for Digital Government. That’s national recognition of our government IT achievement. 

Alongside other successes you can read about in this annual IT report, it confirms we’ve established the IT maturity, which is readying us to embrace transformative technologies. That’s not achieved overnight or with only a few players capitalizing on technology. An "A" for Georgia is an "A" for all of us in state government, built on collaboration across agencies.

To succeed with AI, we’ll need more of the same, plus an extra dose of innovation. Increasingly, it’ll be infused into so much of what we do, from cybersecurity to digital service delivery, procurement, and more. AI fuels automation that can promote efficient operations, and it enables self-service options today’s consumers expect. Yes, it’s a tall order, but it promises rich reward. GTA is proud to work alongside Georgia agencies to extend our positive momentum and achieve even better outcomes for Georgians.

FY 2024 Annual State IT Report

See how Georgia is extending positive momentum in the FY 2024 report.