New hire packet documents
New hire packet documents
Newly hired employees should download, print, and complete the following forms, and then bring them to orientation.
An official website of the State of Georgia.
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The document below includes instructions for completing each form. The information sheet also provides links to important information about the State Health Benefit Plan and Flexible Benefits.
employee information sheet
You will attend a thorough new employee orientation (NEO) on your first day of employment beginning at 9 a.m. unless instructed differently by your supervisor at GTA.
It is very important that you bring the completed forms with you to orientation, even if you are currently a state employee, as well as your verification for I-9 purposes. You may park at the Pete Hackney parking lot at the intersection of Jesse Hill, Junior Drive and Decatur Street for $5 per day, or you may prefer to take MARTA to the Georgia State Station. On your first day, if you plan to sign up for parking, please be prepared to pay the monthly fee of $20 in the form of a check, money order, VISA, or MasterCard in order to set up your parking deduction.
Newly hired employees should download, print, and complete the following forms, and then bring them to orientation.