Agency Best Practices to Manage Voice Services Consumption
Best Practice: Reconcile the Bill with Agency Consumption Reports
The agency should always begin consumption management of GETS services by reviewing and understanding the reports that document its use of these services and reconciling that information with its monthly invoice. For voice services, the agency should review the Invoice Detail Report for Voice Services found on the GETS Portal. It includes:
- Agency and Cost Center
- Report Category
- Resource Description
- Telephone Number (if applicable)
- Rate Code
- Invoice Number
- Usage Dates
- Units and Rate
- Amount Charged
If a potential discrepancy is identified:
- The agency should first match the expected change with the invoice collection date. Some services do not roll off the agency’s bill for almost two months depending on the request date.
- Once the agency determines that the discrepancy was not caused by the invoice collection date, the agency should submit a dispute using the Finance tab in the Remedy Service Request Catalog.
Best Practice: Disconnect circuits no longer in use
The agency should disconnect circuits when a department or office closes or downsizes and in other circumstances when voice services are no longer needed.
Best Practice: Set agency telecommunications policy in accordance with state telecommunications policy
The Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget and GTA jointly set telecommunications policy in Rules, Regulations and Procedures Governing the Acquisition and Use of Telecommunications Services and Equipment (OPB-GTA Policy 4, Revision 9). The agency should set and implement its agency-level telecommunications policy to meet the requirements of the state policy and right-size its assignment of telecommunications resources to agency staff based on job function.