September 19, 2023

Georgia BEAD Volume 1 Initial Proposal available for public comment through October 18

To support the state of Georgia’s Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program, the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) has released Volume 1 of the Initial Proposal for public comment. Georgians are invited to review Volume 1 and submit any feedback by filling out the online webform.

Volume 1 outlines existing broadband funding in Georgia, a list of the locations designated as unserved and underserved, community anchor institutions (CAIs), and an overview of the proposed plan for the state challenge process. This challenge process, which will take place following federal approval of Volume 1, allows entities to challenge the status of served, unserved, and underserved locations, including CAIs.

Additionally, GTA is interested in feedback on additional CAIs that meet the criteria defined in Section 4 of Volume 1 that are not currently included in the posted list.

There will be another request for public comment for Volume 2 of the Initial Proposal this fall.