Procurement FAQs
What type of consulting services does GTA procure?
GTA will solicit for consulting services associated with the needs of the various functional areas within the organization.
After a bid or proposal is awarded, is it possible to get a copy of the winning bid or proposal?
Please refer to the state's Open Records Act, O.C.G.A. Section 50-18-70 et. seq.
What should I do if I would like to protest a bid/proposal award?
Refer to the
GTA Procurement Protest Procedures.
Does GTA have an assistance program for disadvantaged, small or minority-owned businesses?
No, GTA does not have an assistance program. GTA abides by the requirements set forth in Georgia law regarding incentives to firms using minority-owned companies and recognizes the preferences granted to Georgia-based firms. Please note that "minority" in the state of Georgia is based on ethnicity, and the state recognizes five minority groups: Asian American, Native American, African American, Hispanic/Latino and Pacific Islander.
How does the state of Georgia define a small business?
The state defines a small business as one that is independently owned and operated with either fewer than 300 employees or less than $30 million in gross receipts per year (OCGA § 50-5-121 and 50-5-122). There are no preferences granted to small businesses.
Is there a GTA Procurement Manual?
Yes. The GTA procurement manual contains our procurement policies and procedures.
GTA procurement manual -
Does GTA use competitive sealed bidding?
Yes, GTA uses competitive sealed bidding for proposals that are advertised on the Georgia Procurement Registry. This method may also be used for the purchase of goods and services costing $25,000 or less. Additional information can be found in our Quick Guide.
Procurement quick guide -
How do I place my company on the GTA vendor list?
GTA uses the Team Georgia Marketplace at DOAS State Purchasing to register vendors. You can register online or in person at the Department of Administrative Services, State Purchasing Office, 200 Piedmont Avenue, 1308 West Tower in Atlanta.
Is GTA tax exempt?
Yes, we are exempt from paying sales tax in accordance with O.C.G.A. § 50-9-13.
What would make me an attractive vendor to GTA?
GTA seeks vendors with consistent performance, competitive pricing, timeliness, and quality goods and services.