Call Center and Constituent Services Teams

1 (800) GEORGIA

The state's call center, 1 (800) GEORGIA, is managed by Keith Arnold and directed by Stephanie Aponte. 1 (800) GEORGIA receives and routes more than 300,000 calls every year. Trained staff ensure that constituents are correctly connected to the appropriate resources. They answer questions, educate callers on public services offered by the state, connect constituents with the appropriate agencies to meet their needs, and provide general information found on the state's website,

1 (800) GEORGIA, or 1 (800) 436-7442, is available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Office of Constituent Services

The Office of Constituent Services serves the citizens of Georgia by providing a venue for expressing concerns and communicating requests about state government. This office is managed by Julia Owens and directed by Stephanie Aponte.

The constituent services team includes caseworkers who are knowledgeable about state government. They serve as the Governor's constituents' liaison to state agencies, working to make state government more accessible to Georgians. The team aims to be responsive and ensure that citizens receive the attention, service, and respect they deserve.

Contact the Office of Constituent Services through the state's website,, where you can query the automated chatbot, send a message to the team using the form provided, or find phone numbers if you need to speak to someone right away. Before contacting the team directly, try using the automated chatbot, which can find answers to the most frequently asked questions.